

Surgery CategoryUrology
Body AreaAbdomen
Procedure DescriptionCystoscopy
Price$4,255 *
* Flat Rate Pricing not applicable when billing insurance.

What is a cystoscopy?

A cystoscopy is a procedure that your doctor performs when he or she needs to examine the linings of your bladder and urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body). During the procedure, a thin tube with a lens attached (cystoscope) is inserted into your urethra and slowly advanced into your bladder. A cystoscopy will help urologists identify, and in some cases treat, urinary tract problems.

A urologist will be able to examine the following during a cystoscopy:

  • Bladder or kidney stones
  • Tissue, polyps, tumors, urethra cancer, or bladder cancer.
  • A narrowing of the urethra, which can signal scar tissue in the urethra or prostate cancer in men.

Why is there blood in my urine? What does it mean if I pee too much?
Your doctor might recommend having a cystoscopy if you experience those or any of these conditions:

  • Urinary tract infections that occur frequently
  • Frequent urination (overactive bladder)
  • Urination that is accidental or doesn’t empty the bladder fully
  • Pain or burning before, during, or after urination
  • Trouble starting to pee or stopping
  • Abnormal cells found in a urine sample

A urologist can also treat problems during a cystoscopy. Among the things he or she can do are:

  • Remove a bladder stone or a stone in the urethra
  • Remove or treat certain types of tumors, polyps, and abnormal tissue
  • Take tissue samples for biopsy
  • Inject material or medicine to treat urinary leakage

Does the cystoscopy procedure hurt?

It’s natural to fear that a cystoscopy will hurt, but you will be asleep under anesthesia so it’s more like taking a nap.

You may experience some discomfort and feel like you need to pee after the surgery.

What comes after a cystoscopy?

The recovery time depends on the type of anesthesia used. Because you will receive a general anesthesia at NTTC, you may go home after waiting a few hours.

You may experience any of the following after a cystoscopy, none of which should last more than 24 hours:

  • A mild burning feeling when urinating
  • Small amounts of blood in the urine
  • Discomfort in the kidneys or bladder while urinating
  • An urge to urinate more frequently

Tell a health care provider right away if you are bleeding too much, the pain is severe, or if problems last more than a day.

Are there any risks?

Your medical history will be taken into account when the urologist explains possible complications from a cystoscopy. Although minimal, a cystoscopy does include risks:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Bleeding
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Burning or discomfort during urination
  • Injury to the urethra or bladder
  • Scar tissue that narrows the urethra or swelling of surrounding tissues, which may cause trouble urinating

Call your urologist right away if any of the following occurs after a cystoscopy:

  • Inability to urinate and the discomfort of a full bladder
  • Bright red urine
  • Blood clots in the urine
  • Fever
  • Severe discomfort

How much does a cystoscopy cost?

NTTC Surgery Center offers a flat-rate cash price of $5,232 for a cystoscopy. This is ideal for patients who don’t have, or don’t want to use, insurance. The facility fee, surgeon fee, and anesthesia are all included in the price.

If you plan to have insurance cover the cost of your cystoscopy, find out the specifics of your coverage. What is your annual deductible and how much you have met so far? Our staff at Mesquite’s friendliest surgery center are available to walk you through the process.

If you have any questions or want to speak to a specialist, schedule an appointment today.


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