Hi, My name is Beatrice, but everyone calls me Betty.
I can get answers for any questions you may have with surgical procedures, pricing, scheduling, etc.
Feel free to give me a call at (844) 737-0108.
Ear, Nose, & Throat Procedures
- Adenoidectomy$3,335
Surgical removal of the adenoids. Adenoids are lymph tissue located behind the nasal passages that help the body by producing antibodies that fight infection.
- B-Maxillary Antrostomy, B-Frontal Sinus, B- Sphenoidotomy, Extensive Nasal Polyp Removal$8,837
Surgical procedure to enlarge the facial sinus’ with removal of nasal polyps
- Closed reduction Nasal Fracture$2,587
Repositioning of nasal bones to natural anatomic alignment
- Excision of Mass$3,921
Surgical procedure to remove a mass/ lump in the body
- Frenectomy$1,945
Surgical treatment for lip-tie or tongue-tie
- Myringotomy w/ tubes, Bilateral$2,805
Procedure to relieve pressure in the eardrum with placement of ear tubes
- Myringotomy w/ tubes, Bilateral & Nasal Endoscopy$2,903
Procedure to relieve pressure in the eardrum with insertion of ear tubes, and examination of nasal and sinus passages
- Septoplasty ( Simple)$5,071
Surgical procedure to straighten or repair the septum of the nose.
- Septoplasty & Bilateral Turbinate$5,646
Surgical procedure to straighten or repair the septum of the nose with reduction of turbinates
- Tonsillectomy$4,726
Tonsillectomy Surgical removal of the two oval shaped pads of tissue on either side of the the back of the throat. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic system of the body which helps to fight infection. A doctor may recommend removal of the tonsils when you experience repeated tonsillitis or when enlarged tonsils cause snoring or repeated sleep disruption.
- Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy$4,841
Surgical removal of both the tonsils and adenoids.
- Tonsils/Adenoids, Bilateral Turbinectomy, Direct Nasal Endoscopy$7,946
Surgical removal of tonsils and adenoids, reduction of turbinates, and examination of the nasal and sinus passages
- Tympanoplasty w/graft$6,037
Placement of ear tubes with graft
- Tympanostomy w/ tube insertion & Adenoidectomy$3,875
Procedure to relieve pressure in the eardrum with placement of ear tubes, and removal of adenoids
Our Doctors |
Flat-Rate Price Includes :
- Pre-operative consultation
- Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Pathology *
- All medications and supplies for surgery
* View our pricing disclaimer
Affordable Flat Rate Pricing
As an alternative to working with insurance, we offer Cash / Flat Rate Pricing for most surgeries. Get complete Flat Rate surgery details...
NTTC Surgery Center
3865 Childress Ave. Mesquite, Texas 75150
Main Phone: (972) 528-6090
Information: (844) 737-0108
Fax: (888) 965-0962
Surgery Center Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM Sat-Sun: Closed
Business Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat-Sun: Closed
Flat Rate / Cash Price Surgery
Insurances Accepted
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